We need a Drupal module or customized existing module to allow us to create a simple competition.
Following are requirements
1) Allow Admin to create a competition.
2) This competition will be visible to all users
3) This competition will consist of a Question and Choices for Answer
Only one answer is correct. And user shall select only one answer (Radio box)
Competition description…………
What is Capital of UK
() London
() Glasgow
() Brighton
[ Submit Answer ]
4) When you click on Submit answer
- It shall check if an answer is selected or not, if not then show error and ask to select an answer.#
- It shall check if user is logged in or not.
- If user is logged in then it will submit answer and show “Thank you for Submitting Answer”.
- Don’t show RESULT after submitting the answer.
- The results are not shown to any one including admin.
- Once a user has submitted answer he can’t submit answer again. When he does it then show “You have already answered”
- If user is not logged in then he is redirected to login and then redirected to competition page.
5) After competition ends admin shall be able to export the e-mails of all users who have answered correctly.
6) Formatting
Each element of this competition should be in a separate style (CSS DIVs) so that we can modify the design when needed.
See example on, we want exactly the same.
Do not contact me offering any other services. Companies need not to apply.
Only individual Drupal Developer need to apply for this job.
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